Awards and Recipients
Charles Clear Research Award
The Charles Clear Research Award is given annually to the individual, group, or organization that has made a sustained contribution to educational research or evaluation in the Commonwealth of Virginia or the nation. Dr. Charles Clear was a prominent educator in Virginia who contributed to the early development of the Virginia Educational Research Association.
He promoted educational research and evaluation through his position in the Virginia Department of Education. Dr. Clear died in the late 1970s, and the Virginia Educational Research Association created the Charles Clear Research Award as a memorial.
Recent recipients include:
Dr. Annmarie Noonan, Shenandoah University
Dr. Latrese Younger, Virginia Tech
Dr. Connie Balkcom, Virginia Tech
Dr. Jodie L Brinkmann, Virginia Tech
Dr. Carol S. Cash, Virginia Tech
Dr. Carol A. Mullen, Virginia Tech
Dr. James McMillan, Virginia Commonwealth University
Dr. Christopher Gareis, The College of William and Mary
Commonwealth’s Special Education Endorsement Programs, Old Dominion University
Considering Submitting a Nomination?
Brenda Loyd Outstanding Dissertation
The Brenda Loyd Outstanding Dissertation Award is awarded annually to the individual who has produced a dissertation that makes an outstanding contribution to the education literature. Brenda Loyd was a prominent educator in Virginia who contributed to the early development of the Virginia Educational Research Association. The Association created this award as a memorial for her achievements.
Recent recipients include:
Dr. Kristin Rankin, Virginia Tech
Alternatively Certified K-12 Teachers: Their Preparedness to Teach and Their Administrative Needs for Retention
Dr. India M. Harris
The Achievement Gap and Students Living in Poverty: The Role of Core Self-Evaluation and Transformational Leadership in Teachers
Dr. Katina Otey, Virginia Tech
Perceived Factors that Affect the Performance of Refugee Student in Central Virginia
Dr. Emily Ely, University of Virginia
Use of Instructional Technology to Improve Teacher Candidate Knowledge of Vocabulary Instruction
Dr. Laura M. Martinez-Hicks, The George Washington University
A Exploration of How Elementary School Principals Approach the Student Retention Decision Process
Dr. Joseph Salmon, Virginia Tech
A Case Student of Grade-Level Meetings and Coaching Conversations
Dr. Kimberly Erwin, Virginia Tech
The Experiences and Perceptions of African American Males and Their Elementary Teachers
Dr. Randy Bachmeier, Regent University
Breaking the Discrepancy Code: A Meta-analysis of the SLD Literature
Considering Submitting a Nomination?
The Distinguished Paper Award
The Distinguished Paper Award is given annually to the outstanding paper presented at the annual conference. Paper submissions are reviewed by the Research Awards Committee. The award winner(s) has an opportunity to present their paper at the State and Regional Educational Research Association’s sessions at the annual American Educational Research Association conference.
Recent awardees include:
Dr. Amy L. Reynolds, University of Virginia,
Dr. Rachel S. White, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Examining Established and Emerging Teacher Working Conditions that Influence Teacher Retention
Dr. Marya Runkle, Virginia Tech
Case Study of the Factors Contributing to Graduation From a Secondary Dropout Prevention Program
Dr. Gail McEachron
Unemployment, and Homelessness: What Do the Textbooks Say?
Dr. Tracy Walker and Dr. Justina Osa, Virginia State University
Development of a Science of Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Confidence (PCKC) Survey for Use with Pre-Service Elementary Teachers.
Ms. Eileen Merritt, University of Virginia
The Contributions of Standards-Based Teaching Practices to Fourth Grade Mathematics Achievement for High- and Low-Achieving Classes
Dr. Lisa Abrams and Dr. James McMillan, Virginia Commonwealth University
Teachers’ Views on Benchmark Testing Practices
Ms. Faiza Jamil, University of Virginia
Associations of Pre-service Teachers’ Performance, Personality, and Beliefs with Teacher Self-Efficacy at Program Completion
Dr. Samuel Smith and Dr. John Pantana, Liberty University
Second-Career Teachers in a Blended Online-Residential Preparation Program: Profiling Characteristics and Motivations
All presenters will be invited to submit their paper for consideration after the conference.